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Kiefer Sutherland From Stand By Me To Hollywood Stardom

Kiefer Sutherland: From 'Stand by Me' to Hollywood Stardom

Early Life and Career

Kiefer Sutherland, the son of legendary actor Donald Sutherland, was born in 1966. He made his film debut at the age of 18 in the 1986 classic "Stand by Me," where he played the role of Ace Merrill.

Sutherland has since starred in numerous films and television shows, including "The Lost Boys," "24," and "Designated Survivor." He has won numerous awards for his performances, including an Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award.

Stand by Me Memories

In a recent interview, Sutherland shared a heartwarming anecdote from the set of "Stand by Me." He recalled that actor River Phoenix, who played Chris Chambers in the film, was learning guitar and heard Sutherland playing the song "Stand by Me." Phoenix was so impressed that he asked Sutherland to teach him the song, and they spent many hours practicing together.


Kiefer Sutherland's journey from his breakout role in "Stand by Me" to his status as a Hollywood icon is a testament to his talent and dedication. His heartfelt memories of working with River Phoenix remind us of the lasting bonds that can be formed on film sets and the enduring power of great storytelling.
